What would the Martians say?

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Forget about Tiger Woods, Ernie Els, VJ Singh or whoever, if it's real golfing genius you are looking for, head for Pyongyang, where according to the North Korean official website Uri-Min-jok-kiri (which means Among our People), the country's leader, sorry, Dear Leader Kim Jong-il, shot no less than 11 holes-in-one during his first round of golf.

I hope the Guinness Book of Records editors took notice of this phenomenal achievement.

As if that was not enough, the official North Korean website goes on to tell the world (well, at least those who understand Korean) that Kim Jong-il never forgets a phone number -- or a line of computer code. It seems he gets up every morning at the crack of dawn for a session of intensive memory training.

When he is not putting his golfing buddies to shame with his on-course skills, the Dear Leader evidently kills time by piloting jet fighters, writing operas and producing films.

What a great advert for ginseng -- and for my money, an ideal candidate for Big Brother (or was that Dear Big Brother?)


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