What would the Martians say?

Saturday, August 20, 2005


How long will it be before America’s powerful National Cattlemens Beef Association get their act together and draw up battle plans for dealing with the Californian cleavage clan who call themselves the Vegan Vixens?

Led by a carrot crunching and lettuce loving sex bomb with the unlikely name of Sky Valencia, the Vegan Vixens are not a vegetarian basketball squad, but a group of models and would-be actresses who have turned vegan lifestyle into a television series -- Charlie’s Angels meets the Cabbage Patch Kids.

"Party with the world's sexiest vegan girls while they arouse your senses and put you under their spell," runs a seductive trailer for the series. "It's like no other show you've ever seen."

The series started off on Californian cable channel (where you can also watch a programme called Exotic Erotic Balls, but I won’t go there), and has spread to other states. Naturally, the American press has been having a field day with it all: the New York Daily News has dubbed the Vegan Vixens "the soy of sex”.

Whether the Vegan Vixens will succeed in titillating, tantalising and ultimately transforming obese burger bingeing American males into a brigade of slim-line broccoli munchers has yet to be seen, but they seem to be having fun trying – and are making some steady merchandising money with their aromatherapy skin candles.

No Vegan Vixen Diet Book yet, but you can bet the last pea in the pod that it’s only a matter of time


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